Oil Region National Heritage Area | The Valley that Changed the World

Just for Kids

Sights, sounds, and fun for kids of all ages

The Oil Region has sights, sounds, and opportunities for fun for kids of all ages. In addition to our parks (those with playgrounds are bolded) listed below, read on for details about special events and programming for young people.


FranklinPA.gov  814.437.1619 x 123

Bandstand Park, 1160 Liberty St.
Fountain Park, 1220 Liberty St.
Miller-Sibley Complex & Public Pool, 30 Spruce St.
Riverfront Park, 200 Ninth St.


CityOfTitusvillePA.gov  814.827.5300

Burgess Park, 714 E. Main St.
Ed Myer Sports Complex 516 Allen St.
Roberts Grove, 513 N. 1st St.
Scheide Park & Gazebo S. Perry St.


Oil City
OilCity.org  814.678.3012

Hasson Park & James A. Nelles Memorial Swimming Pool, 136 Park Ave.
Justus Park, 2 Seneca St.
Oil City Marina, 10 Wyllis St.
Town Square, Center & Seneca St.

EmlentonPA.com  742.867.8611

Hughes Park, 910 Prospect St.
Mineral Springs Park, Main St./Rt. 38


CranberryTWP.org  814.676.8812

Moody Park, 2581 State Rt. 257
Morrison Park, 293 Allison Road
Veterans Memorial Park, 509 Myrtle St.


Oil Creek State Park
VisitPaParks.com  814.676.5915
305 State Park Road, Oil City, PA

Two Mile Run County Park
TwoMileRun.net  814.676.6116
471 Beach Road, Franklin, PA


Drake Well Museum and Park

Drake Well Museum and Park hosts school tours each May and October, but it’s also a great place to visit with kids of all ages at any time. Hands-on exhibits indoors and lots of exhibits and equipment outdoors, mean there is plenty to intrigue and inspire young minds.

Discovery Day Camp is Drake Well Museum and Park’s fun-filled day camp. Children ages 8-12 can participate in this day long, hands-on program and learn about the Oil Region’s rich history and environment. Registration is FREE but required and limited to 25 participants! There are three different dates to choose from – pick the date that works best for you! Visit their site for details and registration. Sponsored by CSR Services, LLC.

July 11, 18, or 25, 2024
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Drake Well Museum and Park hosts an oil boom era circus every few years. The event is held in August in celebration of August 27, the day Edwin Drake struck oil, known as Drake Day at the museum. Other special events with different themes commemorate Drake Day on the years in between. All Drake Day events have lots for kids and families to see and do. Find out all about it here.

Venango Museum of Art, Science and Industry

Venango Museum of Art, Science and Industry holds various events for kids throughout the year in addition to many kid-friendly exhibits that are part of their regular collection.

Find out what Venango Museum has in store next by clicking here.

Oil Region Libraries — So much more than just books!

Benson Memorial Library in Titusville has lots of events and activities regularly for youth of all ages. Get the details on the library’s website or the site strictly for youth programs.

The Oil Region Library Association is comprised of the Oil City Library, Franklin Public Library, and Cooperstown Public Library. Each offer a variety of services and programming for youth year-round. Check out the latest events on their joint website here. Physical addresses and contact information for each location are below.

2 Central Ave.
Oil City, PA 16301
Phone: (814) 678-3072
Fax: (814) 676-8028

421 12th St.
Franklin, PA 16323
Phone: (814) 432-5062
Fax: (814) 432-8998

182 N. Main St.
Cooperstown, PA 16317
Phone: (814) 374-4605
Fax: (814) 374-4606

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